Is Facebook practicing regulatory redlining on social media? This is a can of worms that's going to bring up issues all around America! When we checked our Facebook pages this morning, we were hit with notifications that all of our posts were being removed.ย
Now this is a very bad thing, being that our Facebook following helps generate thousands of dollars for us monthly, how can we continue to promote our brand. We stand to face difficult times, with this stream of income being restricted, which isn't fair to the people that work with us and for us. As a black-owned company the odds are already against us.ย
But this pattern feels oh so similar to how us black people were treated in the early 1900's. Flooded towns, Redlining housing areas, erasing black history from textbooks. Could this be a measure that social media platforms have been using all this time to control how much engagement minorities get? A way to control users and keep their success levels plateaued.
I mean, what would be the reason? All our brand has done, is uplift Martial Artists. People Like Sijo Thomas Gettling, GM Nikwan Murphy, and Doctor Wesley Snipes.ย
I guess good isn't good enough, so from this point on we'll have to spread the word and let our voices be heard! Leave your thoughts on this below!